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Woman of God first and foremost, full time wife and mommy, entrepreneur, and avid coffee drinker, in that order.  I do not actually own a Mercedes Benz, but I am Mercedes. I decided to finally begin this blog after talking about it for years and not taking the plunge for a number of reasons, which were all really just excuses born from fear and doubt. I did not know how I would cover all of the topics I wanted to discuss under one name because some do not seem relative to the other.


Then, it hit me. I would not have to give any facet of myself up if I just start a personal blog. By default, I have free reign to write about every passionate, silly, professional, loving, caring, faithful, sometimes tired, sometimes sad, sometimes too energetic, human side of me.


What you can expect to read about in my blog:


Breastfeeding Tips and Woes
Frugal Living Tips
Coffee (Yes, for coffee!)
Natural Childbirth (Yup, I will go there!)
Event Planning Tips
My Children (You will likely hear so much about my kids you will feel like you know them personally)
Healthy Eating
Not So Healthy Eating (I never said I was perfect)
Getting and Staying Fit
Business Planning Tips
Writing Tips
Natural Hair Tips
Maybe a Recipe or Two

Again, pretty much my whole life!


While I do not pretend to be an expert in any of the aforementioned subjects, I have enough experience with each subject that allows me to talk about it. Surprisingly for me (because I do not always take myself too seriously, you have to live folks) I have received a lot of compliments in these subjects and have had many ask me the recurring question, "How?" While I feel I have enough experience to talk about these topics, I will be the first to say I have much to learn yet in all of the above. I have always been pretty transparent and I would love nothing more than to share my journey in my faith, in my health, in my family, in my business, and in my life with you!

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Mercedes G.

Woman of God Wife, Mommy, Entrepreneur, Blogger, and

Avid Coffee Drinker

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