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Here is my Mother's Day picture this year. Soraya was sleeping upstairs in Sunday Service. I went downstairs to nurse my hungry little boy. Now you know why he's so big, breast milk does a baby really good. LOL

Note 1: My hair is barely done. In fact, I threw it in a bun and unsuccessfully attempted to brush my fly aways down. On the bright side, it is new hair growth from all the hair I lost due to postpartum hormones.

Note 2: My makeup is not, how do you say these days, "on fleek"? (Have you any idea how hard it is to keep up with the times when your toddler rules the remote control?) In fact, I had no makeup on whatsoever. I was lucky to have a little bit of lip-gloss on.

Note 3: I see it. You see it. We all see it. 👀👀👀 Let's talk about it. Those dark circles/bags under my eyes are indicative of my lack of sleep these days. Here is what you do not see; my nails were not done either. They didn't even look decent. I cannot make this up and some of you who know me well know this is a big deal for me because I have a serious issue with unevenness and just messy looking nails, period.

Note 4: You cannot see this either, but I will tell you anyway. I was late to church as usual. I am not proud of this. I woke up early to a grand breakfast in bed thanks to my thoughtful husband. I will post a pic of this too if you promise not to judge my eating habits. 😂😂😂 I know he wanted to make it easier for me to be on time so he knocked a big task off my to do list. Side note: Breakfast for me is a must as I am breastfeeding not one, but two babies. That's a whole other topic for a different day. Back to my husband. For those who do not know this, he is on our church's worship team and has to arrive significantly earlier than the rest of us. For this reason, we drive two separate vehicles to church. However, this also means I am getting myself, an infant, and a toddler ready and lugging them to the vehicle on my own. Yes, I said lugging. My son is a beast! LOL I have not even mentioned yet that I assist our Pastor's wife with our children's ministry. This means I often (namely yesterday) receive late call outs, unforeseen emergencies/circumstances/tragedies occur and I help find a solution to the chaos.

Note 5: Needless to say, when all was said and done yesterday morning I was left with little time to make myself feel pretty. I focused on getting the kids into their 'Sunday's Best' because I love to keep my babies looking fly. When I got to myself I panicked for a brief second and then I had a good laugh to myself before I thanked God for blessing me with good humor. I said, "Okay, God, I get it. This Mother's Day you are teaching me that it is less important to look so put together, and more important to look like me. Raw, natural, real me. The mom that I am. The mother that everyone is honoring me for being with the Happy Mother's Day texts and comments. The mother that I am and have been every day for the last 971 days of my life, and will continue to be for the rest of my days. How fitting!" 😂 It will get better. I will get a better handle on my time management skills. I will be able to do my hair properly, do my makeup if I choose, paint my nails and make them look even and neat. Until then, I will embrace this stage because it will fly by sooner than I want it to and right now my hands are needed for more important things than to have my pretty, painted nails on display. They are needed to comfort, protect, care for, cuddle, bathe, nurse, pray with, cook for, clean for, and caress my beautiful little family and I am okay with that. In fact, I count it a blessing.

Want to laugh some more? As I was typing this long post, my two year old climbs up on me to nurse. Weaning has not been easy with a new baby in the house, but you know what? I'm not trippin' over it either. It is still really healthy for her and soon she will outgrow all things baby including nursing and I will wish I could make her little again and preserve her at this age. So for now, I'm going to embrace it. Every part of motherhood. Every glorious, sometimes stinky, often stressful, but always rewarding part of being the Mommy that God saw fit for me to be.

Post your 2016 Mother's Day pic or share a 'Raw Mommy Moment' you recently experienced in the 'Comments' below, .👇👇👇


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