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Often times I get a deep revelation out of what would otherwise be considered a mundane occurrence. Let me explain. Last night as I was making my way through my complex all I could think was, "Man, these speed bumps are in the way!" I then laughed at myself as I do more than I care to admit. Here's why - I heard a still, soft voice within me say, "The speed bumps are not in the way. In fact, they are there to protect you. You are going too fast and now you are bothered by that which was put in place to protect you."

I know some of you are thinking, "Well, duh!" However, I am still in awe of this revelation. It spoke to me deeply. It made me reflect on my life. How many times have I gotten caught up in the hype or what sometimes feels like the rituals of life? Those things we are so used to. This would be different for everyone. For some it may be their jobs, for others it may be school. For stay at home moms with busy lives like me it may be the duties that come with being a stay at home mom to a 2 year old and a 9 month old, both of whom are still nursing (that's a blog post for another day); being a wife; staying heavily involved and committed to volunteering my organizational/administrative/social media marketing skills within multiple ministries at my home church; educating myself on the nature of homeschooling; developing, planning, and growing a couple of business ventures; and the list goes on but I will stop here for the sake of not overwhelming myself to the point of crashing. Speed bump, please! See, now I'm begging for one.

I'll speak for myself when I say it's easy to keep moving and adding to my plate as I move until I get to the point where I'm always on the move and before you know it I'm flying down this road called life. It usually takes a 'speed bump' to slow me down. Just like literal speed bumps, they're usually annoying and can be misconstrued as an obstacle. Now, reflecting on my recent revelation and in hindsight of past experiences, the 'speed bumps' were necessary reminders to slow down, enjoy life, soak up my family, spend time with my Creator, develop mentally and spiritually, take deep breaths, and remember why I'm doing it all to begin with. Without these encumbrances I would lose myself in the midst of it all, and likely cause myself to continuously fail by default.

How could I ever reach my full potential in any endeavor or in any role I aspire to fulfill if I cannot heed life's warnings? I invite you to take this journey of life with me. You can even ride shotgun, and I promise to slow down at the sight of every speed bump with time to smoothly coast over and regain momentum. Take a ride in my Mercedes!

Now that you know a little bit about me and my new perspective on 'speed bumps', share some of the 'speed bumps' you think were put in place to remind you to slow down lately in the 'COMMENTS' section below.

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