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Frugal Living Tip No. 1: It does not cost a thing to ask!

If you read my About Me section by now, you know that I am tandem nursing. If you have not read it yet, you should now. Get to know a little about yours truly and some of what you can expect to read about in this blog. For those who do not know what tandem nursing means, it means I am breastfeeding two babies of different ages – a 9 month old and a 2 year old in my case – at the same time. You heard right, at the SAME time.

Recently, I had to re-up my stash of prenatal vitamins. No, for Pete’s sake and everything that is good, I am NOT pregnant again! While breastfeeding, a mother should continue taking her prenatal vitamins for the baby’s optimal health and development. During my trip to the pharmacy I noticed there was only one bottle of the vitamins I needed left on the shelf. That was no bueno considering I ALWAYS take advantage of the ‘Buy One, Get One Free’ deal. Nonetheless, I noticed two bottles double the size of the size I usually get sitting right next to my one helpless little bottle. Of course the bigger size was not on sale, and it happened to be about $6 more expensive than the smaller sized bottle. Scam artists!

Most people in this situation would A) buy the bigger size and decide Oh well the deal was just that, a deal, and I missed it; or B) check if another location nearby has 2 bottles in stock with the same sale. No, no, no! Save your gas and money. I kindly approached the cashier and asked if they had anymore of the smaller bottles in stock in the back. She checked and came back to notify me there were no more. As far as she was concerned she did her job, and she could help me no further. She was sorry.

My next question stunned the poor cashier. I asked if she could transfer the same deal to the larger sized bottle since there were no more of my usual size. She was not even aware of the deal and I had to literally walk her to the aisle and show her the display label that read the deal was still active. I told her it was an ongoing deal and has been in effect for as long as I have been nursing because I have always taken the same vitamins. She looked at me as if I were speaking gibberish, but decided she would humor me. Although she could not make any promises, she was willing to ask her store manager if my request was even a thing. To the lady’s dismay her manager honored my request after listening to her explanation. Just like that. I left the pharmacy with two of the larger sized bottles for the price of one. The manager could have thought it through a littler longer and he could have instructed the cashier to give me the smaller sized bottle free with the purchase of the larger one, but instead he gave me the larger one for free. I win twice!

I share this with you because if I had never asked a single question once told there were no more of the bottles on sale in stock, I would have ended up spending $16 and change extra on a bottle I ultimately left with totally free of charge. It does not cost you anything to ask the right questions, but it could cost you a pretty penny not to. Every penny counts in my house, and I encourage you to make every penny count in yours. Share a frugal living tip with me in the 'COMMENTS' below. A girl could always use more tips!

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